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Die Aaseehotels Münster

innenstadtnah und idyllisch.

Kleines modernes Hotel, ruhig am See gelegen und doch fußläufig zur Innenstadt.

Bismarckallee 47 | 48151 Münster
Zum SeeZeit Hotel

persönlich und individuell.

Modernes Tagungshotel am oberen Ende des Sees, ganz nah an der Promenade. Hier starten Sie den Tag mit Blick in die Natur und sind ruckzuck in Münsters lebendiger Innenstadt.

Bismarckallee 5 | 48151 Münster
Zum agora Hotel


We look forward to welcoming you! Book now.
We look forward to welcoming you! Book now.
We look forward to welcoming you! Book now.


agora: am Aasee    Bismarckallee 5    48151 Münster

phone: +49 251 48 42 60
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Free parking is available along Bismarckallee. Additional hotel parking (at a fee) is located in direct proximity to our hotels.

Car park Bismarckallee 5, agora: am Aasee

There are enough parking spaces in front of the building for our guests. The parking fee for hotel guests is €8.00 per night, for conference guests €6.00 per day. Please take a parking ticket at the entrance gate and have it validated at the hotel reception.

Further parking spaces can also be found …

… at Georgskommende (P 3)
… in the Aegidimarkt multi-storey (P 4)
… on the castle car park (Schlossparkplatz) (P 5)

Information on how to get here and parking options

Arriving by car

Coming from Dortmund (south):

Take the A1 / A 43 motorway to the Münster-Süd exit. Via Weseler Straße, drive towards Münster city centre, follow the road taking the left-hand lane until shortly before Lake Aa and turn left into Bismarckallee. You will find the agora: am Aasee after 50 m on the left side and our partner hotel, the SeeZeit, after another 450 m on the left side.

Coming from Bremen (north):

Take the A1  motorway to the Münster-Nord exit. Continue on Steinfurter Straße towards Münster city centre. Follow the road until you see Lake Aa on the right. Stay in the right lane and turn into Bismarckallee behind Lake Aa. You will find the agora: am Aasee after 50 m on the left side and our partner hotel, the SeeZeit, after another 450 m on the left side.

Arriving by train

From Münster central station

You can reach the agora: am Aasee with the number 2 (bus platform C1) or with the number 10 (bus platform C1). Your final stop on these buses is Bismarckallee. The bus stop is directly opposite the hotel.

To reach our second building, the Hotel SeeZeit, please take one of the above buses to the stop Offenbergstraße.